The format is C-YY-DDD, which is used by JD Edwards software: the century after 1900, the year in that century and the Julian date within that year. Here are a few examples:
Checkout JDE Julian Date Converter tool by David Macek.
Important: Make sure you declare the XSLT version 2.0!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"> ... <ns1:JDEDateNumber> <xsl:variable name="InStringDate" select="'2010-11-09'"/> <xsl:variable name="Year" select="substring($InStringDate,1,4)"/> <xsl:variable name="ShortYear" select="substring($InStringDate,3,2)"/> <xsl:variable name="StartOfYear" select='concat($Year,"-01-01")'/> <xsl:value-of select="concat('1', $ShortYear, format-number(days-from-duration((xsd:date($InStringDate) - xsd:date($StartOfYear))) + 1, '000'))"/> </ns1:JDEDateNumber> ... </xsl:stylesheet>