In middleware Java Message Service (JMS) is the most widely standard used for sending and receiving messages. It allows components based on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) to create, send, receive, and read messages.
Instructions below is a guide for installing and configuring webMethods Software for JMS compatible.
Instructions below is a guide for installing and configuring webMethods Software for JMS compatible.
- Install Integration Server 7.1.2 (localhost:5555) and Broker Server (localhost:6849)
- Remove all unused packages
- Add developer account
- Set Outbound Passwords to 0
- Set Broker Configuration to Not Configured (restart required)
- Install package
- Remove default broker and create ESB JMS broker
- Create JMS Connection Alias to ESB@localhost:6849
- Modify JNDI properties file (C:\webMethods712\Broker\bin\ to refers to the ESB JMS Broker
- Create JMS Connection Alias
- Bind JMS topics to JNDI (so that it can be visible to 3rd JMS)
- Create JNDI Provider Alias
MSDOS> cd C:\webMethods712\Broker\bin MSDOS> .\broker_delete.exe "Broker #1@localhost:6849" MSDOS> .\broker_create.exe ESB@localhost:6849 -default -description "Enterprise Service Bus JMS Broker"
java.naming.factory.initial=com.webmethods.jms.naming.WmJmsNamingCtxFactory java.naming.provider.url=wmjmsnaming://ESB@localhost:6849 com.webmethods.jms.naming.clientgroup=admin
Connection Alias Name: ESB_JMS Enabled: Yes Description: Enterprise Service Bus JMS Broker Transaction Type: NO_TRANSACTION Connection Client ID: HOST_IS Create Connection Using: NATIVE WEBMETHODS API Broker Host: localhost:6849 Broker Name: ESB Client Group: admin
MSDOS> cd C:\webMethods712\Broker\bin\ MSDOS> .\jmsadmin.exe -p / > conn broker ESB server localhost:6849 Connected to ESB on localhost:6849 / > list / > create topic testTopic / > permit group admin to publish testTopic / > permit group admin to subscribe testTopic / > bind topic testTopic with tn=testTopic / > bind tcf topicFactory with brokerHost=localhost:6849 group=admin brokerName=ESB / > list [1]: testTopic ==> com.webmethods.jms.impl.WmTopicImpl / > quit
JNDI Alias Name: JNDI_ESB Description: JNDI for ESB JMS Broker Initial Context Factory: com.webmethods.jms.naming.WmJmsNamingCtxFactory Provider URL: wmjmsnaming://ESB@localhost:6849 Other Properties: com.webmethods.jms.naming.clientgroup=admin